
Transforming Community Through Compassion: A Sermon by Pastor Brad Magnus

The sermon delivered by Pastor Brad Magnus on February 16, 2025, at Middletown Baptist Church centers around the pivotal theme that "love works." This profound assertion establishes the foundation for understanding how individual acts of love and service can create significant impacts within both the church community and beyond. Pastor Magnus emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility in responding to the gospel mandate, urging each member to take actionable steps that reflect their commitment to love. By examining the example of the early church in Antioch, he elucidates how love, when made personal and tangible, assumes a transformative power that can address both spiritual and material needs. As we delve into this message, we are invited to reflect upon our roles in embodying this principle of love in our daily lives and interactions with others.


  • Pastor Brad Magnus emphasized the significance of individual responsibility in embodying love within the church community.
  • He articulated that true love manifests through personal engagement and commitment to the needs of others.
  • The episode discussed the historical context of the early church's response to famine, highlighting the importance of collective action.
  • Magnus urged that love must be made personal, suggesting that each member should actively participate in acts of service.
  • He reiterated the theme of the church for the year, which is 'go', linking it to the necessity of taking action in faith.
  • The podcast concluded with an encouragement to make love a tangible experience, stressing that love indeed works when acted upon.

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This podcast is produced by Ralph Estep, Jr., host of the Ask Ralph Podcast, a daily podcast on Christian Finance you can find it at https://www.askralphpodcast.com/

Speaker A:

Hello, and welcome to the Middletown Baptist Church podcast, where we are proclaiming the truth to the world.

Speaker A:

My name is Pastor Josh, and I want to thank you for listening to this podcast.

Speaker A:

I hope that this podcast can be a blessing to you and strengthen you in the word of God.

Speaker A:

Now, come along.

Speaker A:

Let's look into the Bible and see what God has for us here today.

Speaker B:

Well, it's great to be here with you this morning.

Speaker B:

I know Pastor John did a little bit of announcement of who we are.

Speaker B:

I'm joined, obviously, by my boys and my wife Katie.

Speaker B:

And I met John years ago, and when I say years ago, we were both young men.

Speaker B:

Now, as I look out at some of you, I know we're still young men, but we were younger men, okay?

Speaker B:

We were still children at that time.

Speaker B:

And I had the privilege of being one of his managers in.

Speaker B:

In the work program.

Speaker B:

And then when he moved here, he introduced me to your pastor, Pastor Josh.

Speaker B:

And I will say this.

Speaker B:

Over the last few years, Pastor Josh and I have become almost like a David and Jonathan.

Speaker B:

Him and I have been able to encourage one another in the moments of sorrow and moments of heartache, and then also in the moments of joy.

Speaker B:

And so now Josh and I get together.

Speaker B:

Pastor Josh and I get together quite frequently, and we spend time together, and we encourage each other.

Speaker B:

And so I love your pastoral staff.

Speaker B:

Like, I love it.

Speaker B:

And so I want you to know that coming here this morning is a great privilege, a great honor, and I hope to be able to give that kind of respect to your staff and to your church.

Speaker B:

But I will also say this.

Speaker B:

I miss my church.

Speaker B:

All right?

Speaker B:

I miss my church just driving here for an hour and not being able to be with my church this morning.

Speaker B:

So, you know, I want to finish this morning so that way I can go back to my church.

Speaker B:

Because actually, tonight we have something going on.

Speaker B:

We have a chili cook off.

Speaker B:

It's kind of like our yearly thing that we do, and we do it annually.

Speaker B:

So this is our fourth annual Chili Cook Off.

Speaker B:

And you pray for me, um, because I've had my chili cooking since yesterday morning.

Speaker B:

Because this year, I want to win.

Speaker B:

All right?

Speaker B:

I have been thwarted the past three years.

Speaker B:

And so this year, I am.

Speaker B:

I am trying to win.

Speaker B:

Hey, if you have your Bibles, I hope you do open up to Acts chapter 11 this morning.

Speaker B:

We're going to be in the last few verses.

Speaker B:

Acts, chapter 11, verse 27 is where we're going to be starting this morning.

Speaker B:

And we're going to look at some of these verses.

Speaker B:

We're going to see kind of the whole picture kind of coming together here.

Speaker B:

Now, I know that this year, your church, the theme of your church, you're embracing the theme go.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And then you use that word, you know, depends on where you're at in circumstances.

Speaker B:

But go can mean many things, but it always means action.

Speaker B:

It always means that there's some movement behind the word.

Speaker B:

But I also know, and I've thought through this for my own self, that there's a question that comes with the word go, and that's this.

Speaker B:

Does it work?

Speaker B:

Does it work?

Speaker B:

I don't know if you.

Speaker B:

You're like me, but when my first vehicle that I had was an 86 Toyota Corolla, and when I first started driving that car, it was as old as I was.

Speaker B:

I was born in:

Speaker B:

And there were times that I would step on the pedal to go at a green light and it didn't go.

Speaker B:

And so I would ask myself, the question is, does it work?

Speaker B:

Does the action to which I desire to happen here work?

Speaker B:

Now, instead of me just giving you the answer to the gospel mandate that we see and what we'll read here in a second, I would like to walk through the Scriptures and direct us through this passage where the early church applied this same question.

Speaker B:

So you have your bibles.

Speaker B:

Acts, chapter 11, verse 27 says, and in these days came prophets from Jerusalem unto Antioch, and there stood up one of them named Agabus, and signified by the Spirit that there should be great dearth throughout all of the world which came to pass in the days of Claudius Caesar.

Speaker B:

Then the disciples, every man, according to his ability, determined to send relief unto the brethren which dwell in Judea, which also they did, and sent it unto the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul.

Speaker B:

Now, I came across a story I wanted to share with you this morning.

Speaker B:

It goes like something like this.

Speaker B:

There was a gentleman and his wife who had gone to a crowded religious convention.

Speaker B:

And there was only standing room.

Speaker B:

And they noticed that there are some people that got up to leave.

Speaker B:

And after they hadn't returned for several minutes, they went and they took their seats.

Speaker B:

And as they went to go take their seats, the.

Speaker B:

There was a lady who was sitting in the seat right next to the two seats that they sat in that she kind of whispered over, and she said, these states are taken, right?

Speaker B:

So they.

Speaker B:

The gentleman replied.

Speaker B:

He said, well, we'll be glad to move if they come back.

Speaker B:

And the.

Speaker B:

They sang some songs.

Speaker B:

And after they Sang some songs.

Speaker B:

The song leader turned to the congregation and said, hey, turn to your neighbor and say that you love them, right?

Speaker B:

So the lady turned over to the couple who had taken the seat and they said, I love you.

Speaker B:

But the seats are still taken, right?

Speaker B:

Sometimes when we think of serving and loving, that's what we think.

Speaker B:

That's how we act.

Speaker B:

We kind of do it begrudgingly.

Speaker B:

We kind of do it just because we're told to do it.

Speaker B:

And we're not even sure if it really matters.

Speaker B:

Because of what I have seen God do in my life.

Speaker B:

Because what I have seen happen throughout the Word of God again and again and again.

Speaker B:

I just want to tell you, I'm going to give it to you right now.

Speaker B:

Love works.

Speaker B:

Love works.

Speaker B:

It's not like the 86 Torta Corolla.

Speaker B:

It's not like you put your foot to the pedal and it doesn't move.

Speaker B:

It works.

Speaker B:

As the church grew, I want you to understand that the devil fought the work of Christ by first of all trying to persecute the church.

Speaker B:

Then it tried to instill, instill fear into the church.

Speaker B:

Then it started to work on inwardly dividing and conquering the church.

Speaker B:

But as Christ had said and continues to speak this truth, upon this rock which is the foundation of Christ, I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Speaker B:

But we know as it grew, the Gospel spread outside of the Jerusalem, into the Samaritan communities, into the Gentile cities.

Speaker B:

And in our text that we see that God was doing a work in another gospel living church, the Church of Antioch.

Speaker B:

Now there are some differences between the Church of Antioch and the Church of Jerusalem.

Speaker B:

The Church of Jerusalem was directly underneath the leadership, especially in the very beginning of the Apostles.

Speaker B:

You guys know James, the half brother of Jesus, he became known as the pastor of the Church of Jerusalem.

Speaker B:

Pretty cool thought there, by the way.

Speaker B:

And then the, the Church of Antioch, the leaders of the church were Paul and Barnabas and a few other.

Speaker B:

But context also tells us that the believers of the Church of Antioch had been given a a name in their community.

Speaker B:

In fact, I don't know if you tell people this often, but you probably are known as a Christian, right?

Speaker B:

Someone who follows Christ, right?

Speaker B:

Now I know there's a lot of people who will claim to be a Christian who aren't truly followers of Christ, but did you know where that term came from?

Speaker B:

The community of Antioch, they looked at all these people who are going to church where Paul and Barnabas were, who are worshiping God with with singing psalms and hymns and, and opening the Bible.

Speaker B:

And they were learning the spiritual truths and the Holy Ghost was doing a work in their lives.

Speaker B:

And they said, you are Christ, little ones, you're Christians.

Speaker B:

And so this is where we hear this term, some history for us this morning.

Speaker B:

So I ask the question again.

Speaker B:

Does love work?

Speaker B:

Jesus gave a command in Acts or sorry, in John chapter 13.

Speaker B:

He said, A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another as I have loved you, and that you also love one another.

Speaker B:

By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples.

Speaker B:

If you have love, one to another.

Speaker B:

So does that mean just within our personal work, like, like you got some family sitting over here and some families over here.

Speaker B:

So does that mean this is the love that we're talking about?

Speaker B:

Or is there more?

Speaker B:

I find that Antioch joins in a love offering for the church of Jerusalem.

Speaker B:

But why wasn't it their responsibility to give, offer their goods to their own church?

Speaker B:

Why they have to go with outside of their church?

Speaker B:

Why can't the people just do it from within?

Speaker B:

You know, these are questions to which I have continued to have in my life as a, as just a follower of Jesus.

Speaker B:

Is it my responsibility to care for that person?

Speaker B:

Is it my responsibility to do it over here?

Speaker B:

Is it my responsibility to do it over there?

Speaker B:

Here's the main thought and what we're going to focus on for this morning is this.

Speaker B:

Every one of us is responsible to obey the gospel mandate, to see firsthand that love works.

Speaker B:

If you're here this morning, you want to see God do a work of love, then you're responsible to be invested.

Speaker B:

You're responsible to be involved.

Speaker B:

You might say, okay, I get it, Pastor Brad, but how?

Speaker B:

In this passage alone, I see two convicting lessons from these few verses that teach us how love works.

Speaker B:

First of all, first lesson, lesson number one, we need to make it personal.

Speaker B:

It says here, then the disciples, every man, according to his ability, determined to send relief unto the brethren.

Speaker B:

Every man?

Speaker B:

Well, what does every man mean?

Speaker B:

Well, where they heard of the need, together, they individually decided that what they should do.

Speaker B:

Isn't this the process of the working of the Spirit of God in our lives?

Speaker B:

Individualist, individually.

Speaker B:

In fact, it says, agabus, signified by the Spirit that there would be great dearth.

Speaker B:

Well, the Holy Spirit spoke and the members of the church responded.

Speaker B:

And just so we understand what he's saying here, the great dirt that he's talking about here is famine.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Now famine isn't going to the grocery store because you're hungry.

Speaker B:

Famine is.

Speaker B:

You go to the grocery store, you're hungry, and there's nothing there.

Speaker B:

There's, there's, there's nothing for you to provide for.

Speaker B:

There's, there's no ability to care for the needs that are in your own home.

Speaker B:

Not, not only in your own home, but the homes that are across the neighborhood.

Speaker B:

You have to go all the way down to Egypt to just get a little bit of corn.

Speaker B:

You know, there was not as, according to this passage here, there was not the thought crossing the room as the need was shared.

Speaker B:

I will do it if you will do it.

Speaker B:

I don't know if you've ever had a chance to work in children's ministry, but I love working in children's ministry.

Speaker B:

I love working with kids just to see when the, it clicks in their brain, the, the, the gospel truths click in their brain.

Speaker B:

It just, it's just life changing.

Speaker B:

I, I love seeing the gospel just unfold in their life and then how simple it is for them.

Speaker B:

Jesus loves me.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Jesus loves you.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Like, just that, that investment, the excitement.

Speaker B:

Like sometimes as adults, we need to be reminded of how easy it is to truly fall in love with Jesus.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

We're like, okay, hang on, let me count on my fingers all the reasons why I question that.

Speaker B:

No, no, no.

Speaker B:

Okay, so anyway, if you work with kids in a kids ministry, you, you, you do an invitation or, or whatever or, or the end of the, the, the time and you have em raise their hands or maybe they have a question.

Speaker B:

You know what they do?

Speaker B:

They don't keep their eyes closed.

Speaker B:

They look at their friends across the room.

Speaker B:

They see that Billy over here has his hand raised.

Speaker B:

So they go, you know, how, how many of you here this morning want to learn more about Jesus?

Speaker B:

Undoubtedly, Undoubtedly that happens.

Speaker B:

And it's, and, and it's enjoyable.

Speaker B:

So anyway, they're not being kids here.

Speaker B:

This is personal.

Speaker B:

It is individual.

Speaker B:

And it says that they, they do it according to his ability.

Speaker B:

Now that word we need to, to unveil a little bit.

Speaker B:

The word ability actually means wealth.

Speaker B:

This was their personal wealth.

Speaker B:

Now there's a difference between Antioch and Jerusalem that we should see as well.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

The Church of Jerusalem specifically was known for its financial depression.

Speaker B:

It was known for the fact that there were widows and that there were beggars.

Speaker B:

Remember Acts chapter 6?

Speaker B:

There began to be some murmurings in the church.

Speaker B:

Well, why?

Speaker B:

Because there was a certain group of widows that were not being cared for the.

Speaker B:

As the other group's group of widows.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Because there was Some financial dearth.

Speaker B:

There was.

Speaker B:

There was some famine.

Speaker B:

Antioch was the capital city of Syria, and it was known for its key importance as a trade route and the access to the Mediterranean Sea, which means there was more wealth, it was more valuable in that way.

Speaker B:

Now their financial commitment was not because they were just wealthy, but they had something to share.

Speaker B:

Some more than others, some less.

Speaker B:

Now I want to put a plug here.

Speaker B:

I want to put a very.

Speaker B:

Almost like a flag of importance in this area.

Speaker B:

Agabus and others, they traveled to more than just Antioch.

Speaker B:

They were traveling to raise support for the gospel mission back in Jerusalem.

Speaker B:

Just like you would have a missionary travel here, share their ministry, their mission, their goal, their vision, and then say, okay, hey listen, if you would like to join us and support for this, would you please?

Speaker B:

And right.

Speaker B:

You know, and this is.

Speaker B:

The churches kind of get involved in that.

Speaker B:

That is what's taking place here.

Speaker B:

But what's so important about this and why Antioch is mentioned here is because of its significance with how they responded.

Speaker B:

There are other churches that they travel to.

Speaker B:

Agabus went to other churches, but Antioch responded in a way that was significant enough to record in Scripture.

Speaker B:

Here's what I want to say about this.

Speaker B:

Making the gospel work personal comes down to spiritual, spiritual surrender.

Speaker B:

We sing the song we didn't sing this morning, obviously, but I Surrender All.

Speaker B:

You know that song?

Speaker B:

I remember one time, I'm a pastor's kid, so I grew up church, you know, even if the church doors weren't open, I was at church.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

That's how we did it.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Some of you could probably relate to that.

Speaker B:

And I remember one time I was a young person and we were singing I Surrender all.

Speaker B:

And I began thinking, wait, wait, wait, do I, do I surrender All?

Speaker B:

Because I'm pretty sure if God was asking me about this one area of my life or this other area or this other area, I don't know if I would surrender.

Speaker B:

So here's how I made this very personal to me as I share this with you.

Speaker B:

I know that I am surrendered when my conviction is not based on what others are doing.

Speaker B:

You know, being a husband, being a father, being a pastor.

Speaker B:

A lot of times I struggle with my personal decision of surrender.

Speaker B:

And there's a reason for that.

Speaker B:

I'm also a people pleaser.

Speaker B:

If you know anything about me.

Speaker B:

I like to do things to make people happy.

Speaker B:

And my wife can tell you how much I do that.

Speaker B:

And I have to remember that when God is doing a work in my life, he doesn't care that I'm thinking about another person, what they think of about this area, that he's trying to do work.

Speaker B:

He just cares how I respond in that moment.

Speaker B:

Hey, church, you need to recognize something in your life.

Speaker B:

God wants to work in each and every single one of your lives individually, personally, because you matter.

Speaker B:

He loves you.

Speaker B:

He cares for, he created you.

Speaker B:

He died for you.

Speaker B:

You are personally, personally important.

Speaker B:

So he wants to do a personal work in your heart.

Speaker B:

He wants you to be individually responsible to that personal work in your heart.

Speaker B:

So I need to come to the concept in my heart that even if no one else does this, I will.

Speaker B:

Even if no one else walks with me on the water, I will.

Speaker B:

Because this is what God wants for my life.

Speaker B:

Now, other scripture teaches us that the spiritual gifts that all of us receive, it says that he individually gifts us as he wills.

Speaker B:

So if that's the case, then he is doing a work and he is going to lead us all differently.

Speaker B:

Not every single one of you can be Pastor Josh.

Speaker B:

Actually, none of you can.

Speaker B:

Not every single one of you can be Pastor John.

Speaker B:

Actually, only one of you can.

Speaker B:

Not every one of you can be a deacon, or not every one of you can be another ministry leader.

Speaker B:

Not every one of you can be that.

Speaker B:

But you can be what he wants you to be because he wants to individually direct you and lead you.

Speaker B:

So I know that I'm surrendered where my conviction is not based on what others are doing.

Speaker B:

Also, I know that I'm surrendered when my response costs me something.

Speaker B:

See, faith is not calculated.

Speaker B:

It's obedience.

Speaker B:

In fact, as one preacher has coined the term, it's acting like God is telling the truth.

Speaker B:

Faith, it costs us something because it's all about God's glory, not our own.

Speaker B:

In fact, it's equivalent with worship.

Speaker B:

Did you know that in the Old Testament, when, When.

Speaker B:

When the Jew would practice worship, it cost them something?

Speaker B:

A lot of times we don't want to think about that today, especially in our society, because we live in such a society that.

Speaker B:

What do I get out of this?

Speaker B:

You know, I came to church.

Speaker B:

What am I getting out of this today?

Speaker B:

Hang on a second.

Speaker B:

It's not about you.

Speaker B:

It's not about me.

Speaker B:

It's about God.

Speaker B:

You know, as we, as we step into the throne room, the, The.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

The kingdom of heaven, one day I guarantee you me will say, oops, I made things way too much about me.

Speaker B:

Known unto his brethren, and he wept aloud.

Speaker B:

And the Egyptians and the house of Pharaoh heard.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Now this is what it says.

Speaker B:

Just a few verses after this and the fame thereof was heard in Pharaoh's house saying Joseph's brethren are all come.

Speaker B:

And it pleased Pharaoh.

Speaker B:

Well now just, just track this with me.

Speaker B:

Maybe it will reveal to you my crazy brain.

Speaker B:

But when I've read that and I've studied this, it's really, it really bothered me because wouldn't, wouldn't it make sense that Pharaoh had known the horrible beginnings of Joseph?

Speaker B:

Wouldn't he have known all the details in which caused Joseph to be where he was?

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Wouldn't he care about the well being, the future, the longevity of Joseph?

Speaker B:

Wouldn't he want to protect Joseph from harmful people who might derail him or, or get him off?

Speaker B:

Folks, I mean, the reason why Joseph was placed in the authority was as the second in all command of, of Egypt was because he had the ability and know how to be able to gain the wealth of Pharaoh and lead the nation.

Speaker B:

Well, right?

Speaker B:

Wouldn't you want the best and protect them from, from every negative thing that could possibly happen?

Speaker B:

I, I, I mean I would, right?

Speaker B:

I would.

Speaker B:

Then why is he pleased with the news of his brother's arrival?

Speaker B:

Why would he be pleased with, with understanding that there, there's this honesty and, and, and revelation made that, that Joseph is alive and he's revealing himself to his brother?

Speaker B:

Why would that matter?

Speaker B:

Here's why.

Speaker B:

Because the testimony of Joseph was real.

Speaker B:

It was powerful.

Speaker B:

It was authentic.

Speaker B:

See, the same message to which Joseph told his brothers years later when his father passed away and they hid themselves from, from Joseph, saying don't kill us.

Speaker B:

You promised to our Father that you wouldn't.

Speaker B:

He, he made the statement in that passage about the sovereignty of God.

Speaker B:

You meant it for evil, but God meant it for.

Speaker B:

Well, let's try that again, Church.

Speaker B:

You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

He understood that.

Speaker B:

Don't you think that he would have shared that with Pharaoh as well?

Speaker B:

I think so.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Because it was real to Joseph.

Speaker B:

Hey, why was this pow, this moment so powerful to Saul?

Speaker B:

Because it was real for Saul.

Speaker B:

You know, Jesus, he brought this truth to his followers.

Speaker B:

He said, ye have heard that have been said that thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy.

Speaker B:

But I say unto you, love your enemies.

Speaker B:

Bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you.

Speaker B:

See, going is never more real than when you follow through, no matter what or to who.

Speaker B:

What I find is that follow through happens when I put my money where my mouth is.

Speaker B:

Kind of a Common phrase that we use in.

Speaker B:

In today's world, right?

Speaker B:

Put your money where your mouth is.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I find that it's never more real for me when I have to put my money where my mouth is.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

In the church of Corinth, they struggled with this very same thing.

Speaker B:

In fact, Paul at.

Speaker B:

Later on in his life, he came to the church of Corinth.

Speaker B:

He told him about a need that was happening.

Speaker B:

They said, we're gonna raise this much money.

Speaker B:

And it was like, significantly, it was so high that all the other churches that heard about what they did in raising the love offering was.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Was a testimony that Paul got to share everywhere he went.

Speaker B:

And it was.

Speaker B:

It was encouraging, it was powerful.

Speaker B:

But over a year went by and they still hadn't sent it in.

Speaker B:

So Paul writes a letter in second Corinthians, or, yeah, second Corinthians, and he says this.

Speaker B:

Therefore, I thought it necessary to exhort the brethren that they would go before you to make up beforehand your bounty, whereof ye had noticed before that the same might be ready.

Speaker B:

A matter of bounty and not as of covetousness.

Speaker B:

But I say this.

Speaker B:

He would so as sparingly shall reap.

Speaker B:

Also sparingly.

Speaker B:

And he would soweth bountifully shall reap bountifully every man according to this purpose in his heart.

Speaker B:

The same thing that's said and said about there in Acts, chapter 11 with the church of Antioch.

Speaker B:

So let him give not grudgingly or of necessity, for God loveth a cheerful giver.

Speaker B:

Paul says this.

Speaker B:

Put your money where your mouth is, and it's time to.

Speaker B:

It's time to be a part of this.

Speaker B:

It's time to actually do what you said that you were going to do.

Speaker B:

It's time to actually go.

Speaker B:

You said you would.

Speaker B:

You said you would do this.

Speaker B:

It's time to do it.

Speaker B:

It's time to do it.

Speaker B:

Secondly, follow through happens for me when I do not hold.

Speaker B:

When I don't hold.

Speaker B:

See, like Saul here, I need to be involved in serving those who have not always treated me right.

Speaker B:

Christ made it clear that this is the way of our followership, of him.

Speaker B:

Knowing that Judas would betray him did not keep him from washing his feet.

Speaker B:

Can you imagine if the story went in John, chapter 13?

Speaker B:

You know, we're talking about love works.

Speaker B:

Jesus comes to Judas and says, oh, no, no, no, not you, not you what you're about to do to me.

Speaker B:

I'm not going to wash your feet.

Speaker B:

Would we read the story the same way?

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

In fact, most of us read that story.

Speaker B:

We read that passage and we say, well, I'm not like Jesus.

Speaker B:

He did it as he said In John chapter 13 as an example, so that the joy of the Lord might flow through us.

Speaker B:

See, it's easy for us to make service self fulfilling instead of Christ centered.

Speaker B:

But if it's all for his glory, then we will not be concerned with what we get out.

Speaker B:

Coming to church.

Speaker B:

It's not going to be focused on what we get out of it.

Speaker B:

It's going to be focused on the glory of God.

Speaker B:

Serving people in church is not going to be about what we get out of it.

Speaker B:

It's about God getting the glory, serving our community with the needs that are in our community.

Speaker B:

I saw in your.

Speaker B:

In your bulletin there's something coming up here.

Speaker B:

Let me just read it for you.

Speaker B:

Outreach surveys actually have no idea what this is, but to me, this is what it sounds like.

Speaker B:

Brother Dan will be distributing out outreach surveys today, and we asked to be returned to Dan or at the information desk.

Speaker B:

Well, why would we do that?

Speaker B:

What benefit does it have for us?

Speaker B:

It's not about you.

Speaker B:

What do I get out of this thing?

Speaker B:

Pray the Lord.

Speaker B:

Listen, it's not until you but are want to help me or help our church.

Speaker B:

Like I need to know what the investment turnaround is.

Speaker B:

Hang on.

Speaker B:

No, you don't.

Speaker B:

What you need to know is that what you do brings God glory.

Speaker B:

I'm glad the bulletin was right here.

Speaker B:

I didn't even know it was there.

Speaker B:

If you have an opportunity to serve those who treat you poorly, praise the Lord.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

He has given you a chance to make service real.

Speaker B:

Saul was able to make service real here.

Speaker B:

He was able to because how he was treated.

Speaker B:

Now, I have an imagination.

Speaker B:

I portray things of what things look like as.

Speaker B:

As they brought that love offering in.

Speaker B:

But I can imagine a few of the people who saw Saul come in with that money went, and I imagine some of them were like, oh, Saul, you brought this.

Speaker B:

You're here, Saul.

Speaker B:

How's your life going these last several years?

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

What's God been doing in your life?

Speaker B:

Saul, sit down.

Speaker B:

Let's break some bread.

Speaker B:

I know that I treated you poorly before.

Speaker B:

I'm sorry, but tell me more.

Speaker B:

In fact, this was not the last time that Saul did this.

Speaker B:

He became Paul.

Speaker B:

He went out and he.

Speaker B:

And he was able to do evangelistical work and.

Speaker B:

And see churches grow and.

Speaker B:

And become gospel centers for their community.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And then he would raise love offerings and he would bring them back to Jerusalem.

Speaker B:

In fact, the very last time he went to Jerusalem.

Speaker B:

Everyone said, in fact, Agabus.

Speaker B:

It says it in Acts chapter 20, I believe Agabus said to Saul again as he was making his way to Jerusalem the last time, said Saul, if you go, let me take this belt and tie you up.

Speaker B:

This is what they're going to do to you there.

Speaker B:

And Saul says, I must needs go.

Speaker B:

I'm willing to give my life for the cause of Christ.

Speaker B:

What kind of testimony being so real with giving everything for the glory of God?

Speaker B:

Every one of us here is responsible to obey the gospel mandate and to see firsthand that love works.

Speaker B:

Love works when I take it personally and love works when I make it real.

Speaker B:

I read that William Howard Taft said it this way.

Speaker B:

Too many people don't care what happens so long it doesn't happen to them.

Speaker B:

Let that not be the testimony of.

Speaker B:

Of our church.

Speaker B:

Your church, I say our church, because collectively right followers of Christ.

Speaker B:

The body of Christ.

Speaker B:

Let it not be.

Speaker B:

Let it not be the testimony of.

Speaker B:

Of this church.

Speaker B:

This year, as.

Speaker B:

As your ministry, your focus, your theme, your vision for this year is to go be the thought of.

Speaker B:

Well, as long as that doesn't happen to me, as long as doesn't happen to this church, we'll be good.

Speaker B:

During the American Revolution, there was a man named Whitman who was sentenced to die for treason.

Speaker B:

A pastor who had been an object of Whitman's hatred walked 70 miles to plead with General.

Speaker B:

General George Washington for Whitman's life.

Speaker B:

Washington refused until he discovered that Whitman was the pastor's enemy, not his friend.

Speaker B:

Because the pastor had shown such love for the enemy, Whitman was released and became the pastor's fast friend.

Speaker B:

Does love work?

Speaker B:

Does love work?

Speaker B:

This is the same question that is is.

Speaker B:

Is phrased in the Book of Psalms as Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?

Speaker B:

You guys know that passage in the Book of Psalms might sound familiar.

Speaker B:

It's connected with the thought.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Psalm 23.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

When David.

Speaker B:

David pens that beautiful psalm.

Speaker B:

He leadeth me beside still waters.

Speaker B:

He prepares for me a table in the midst of my.

Speaker B:

What enemies?

Speaker B:

Can you imagine sitting at a Chick fil a with all of your enemies sitting around?

Speaker B:

How's chicken sandwich?

Speaker B:

Some interesting thoughts there.

Speaker B:

But can God prepare a.

Speaker B:

A table in the wilderness?

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?

Speaker B:

It's also connected with the Israelites as they made their way through the wilderness for 40 years.

Speaker B:

What did.

Speaker B:

What did the Israelites eat during those 40 years?

Speaker B:

Anybody want to.

Speaker B:

Want to.

Speaker B:

Go ahead.

Speaker B:

What do they eat?

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Manna and quills.

Speaker B:

Where did that come from?

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And so?

Speaker B:

So can God furnish a table in the wilderness?

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I don't know.

Speaker B:

Pastor does.

Speaker B:

Josh says often I do this at my church.

Speaker B:

And so he'll forgive me, I'm sure.

Speaker B:

Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Does love work?

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Because it's God's plan, it's his sovereign working.

Speaker B:

You know what he wants to do with the mission of go at Middletown Baptist Church.

Speaker B:

He wants to show Middletown that love works.

Speaker B:

He wants people to come in from the community and say, wait, wait, wait, you did something not for our community, you did something for another church community in Baltimore.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Baltimore, right.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Because love works well.

Speaker B:

What else are you doing to show that love works well?

Speaker B:

Let me tell you about it.

Speaker B:

Let me show you from the scripture how much love actually works here or there or in my life.

Speaker B:

Many of you, if not all of you, have a testimony of the gospel, love working in your life.

Speaker B:

You know who's waiting to hear that?

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

You know how we begin to share that?

Speaker B:

By going, making it personal, making it real.

Speaker B:

Heavenly Father, love ya.

Speaker B:

I thank you for the few moments that we've had to be able to be in your word in this passage.

Speaker B:

And Lord, I know that we could go anywhere, we could look at anything, we could see any time in the word of God that you are constantly at work or on our behalf so that you receive the glory and the honor.

Speaker B:

as we are in this, this year:

Speaker B:

Father, I ask that you would help us to make it personal.

Speaker B:

Father, I ask that you would help us to make it real, Lord, that you would allow the vision of this church this year to make an impact not just in our lives personally, but maybe in our grandkids lives, maybe the community, maybe the neighbor that lives right next to us or a few houses down.

Speaker B:

Father, may you receive all the honor and the glory that you deserve today.

Speaker B:

With how you respond, I ask this, can your precious son, Jesus Christ, with your heads bowed and your eyes closed.

Speaker B:

It's going to take a few minutes and ask a couple questions.

Speaker B:

We're going to have our time of invitation.

Speaker B:

Piano's gonna play.

Speaker B:

Let me just ask.

Speaker B:

This morning, I don't really know most of you.

Speaker B:

I know some of you, I've heard some of your testimonies.

Speaker B:

But how many of you here this morning would be willing to testify the fact that you have a personal relationship with Christ alone, you know, to whom you have believed that you are saved.

Speaker B:

You've accepted Christ as your personal savior.

Speaker B:

That's you here this morning.

Speaker B:

Would you just put your hand up, just testify of that.

Speaker B:

Pastor Brad, I have a personal relationship with Christ.

Speaker B:

Just put your hand up this morning.

Speaker B:

Hands all around the room.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Thank you.

Speaker B:

Praise the Lord.

Speaker B:

Maybe you're here this morning and you were not able to raise your hand.

Speaker B:

Maybe somebody invited you to church this morning.

Speaker B:

Maybe someone's been trying to share with you the love of Christ and you're not sure if you're saved.

Speaker B:

You might even say, well, Pastor Brad, I try really hard, Pastor Brad, I, I, I think I might be saved.

Speaker B:

Or maybe.

Speaker B:

Pastor Brad, I don't know if anyone can know if they're saved.

Speaker B:

The Bible says this.

Speaker B:

These things are written that you may know that you have eternal life.

Speaker B:

I want you to, I want you to know this morning, if you don't know anything else this morning, if you don't take anything else away, I want you to know this.

Speaker B:

God wants you to know if you have a relationship with.

Speaker B:

He is not trying to play hide and seek with you.

Speaker B:

He is not trying to stay away from you.

Speaker B:

He wants you to know how much he loves you and how much you matter to him.

Speaker B:

You might say, pastor Brad, I'm not sure if I'm, I'm not sure.

Speaker B:

Would you mind?

Speaker B:

No one's looking around.

Speaker B:

Everyone's eyes are closed.

Speaker B:

Would you mind just putting your hand up?

Speaker B:

This morning, all I want to do is pray for you.

Speaker B:

I'm not going to come down there, pull you out of your seat.

Speaker B:

You might say, I don't know this guy.

Speaker B:

I don't trust this guy.

Speaker B:

I understand.

Speaker B:

I just want to pray for you.

Speaker B:

Pastor Brad, I'm not sure if I'm saved.

Speaker B:

Would you pray for me?

Speaker B:

Would you just put your hand up right now?

Speaker B:

Pastor Brad, that's me.

Speaker B:

I'm not sure if I'm saved.

Speaker B:

I see that hand.

Speaker B:

Thank you, Pastor Brad, I'm not sure if I'm saved.

Speaker B:

Would you pray for me?

Speaker B:

Put your hand up, Pastor Brad, that's me, Lord, right now.

Speaker B:

I pray for the one who raised their hand.

Speaker B:

And maybe there's a few others this morning that are here that didn't raise their hand or I didn't see them.

Speaker B:

Father, I ask that you would do the gospel work in their heart this morning, that you would, you would give them the courage to respond to the invitation in just a moment.

Speaker B:

And, Lord, that they would get that taken care of.

Speaker B:

They wouldn't waste another day.

Speaker B:

They Wouldn't wait for next Sunday, but, Lord, that they would talk to someone who could show them through the word of God how they can know for certain if they're on their way to heaven.

Speaker B:

With your heads bowed and your eyes still closed this morning, how many of you would be willing to say that you have a hard time making love, work personal?

Speaker B:

You see it in other people's lives.

Speaker B:

I see that hand.

Speaker B:

I see that hand.

Speaker B:

It's hard for you because of certain things that maybe you've had and you happen to your life or something else.

Speaker B:

I don't know if it's personal or that's not for me.

Speaker B:

That's for someone else willing to actually say that this morning.

Speaker B:

It's not for me.

Speaker B:

I have a hard time making this personal.

Speaker B:

It's not for me.

Speaker B:

It's for someone else.

Speaker B:

Just put your hand up this morning.

Speaker B:

Let's be real.

Speaker B:

Let's be authentic.

Speaker B:

I see that hand.

Speaker B:

I see that hand.

Speaker B:

I see that hand.

Speaker B:

I have a hard time making this personal.

Speaker B:

I have a hard time making this personal.

Speaker B:

How about let's move on to the second thought we had?

Speaker B:

Making it real.

Speaker B:

You have feelings for those who are in need, but actually following through with it, that's hard.

Speaker B:

That's really hard.

Speaker B:

How many would say, pastor Brad, I struggle with making it real.

Speaker B:

Would you pray for me?

Speaker B:

I struggled with making it real.

Speaker B:

I see that hand.

Speaker B:

Thank you for struggle with me.

Speaker B:

Let's do this church.

Speaker B:

We have some men up here who are willing to pray with you, should walk with you through the Bible.

Speaker B:

Let's do this.

Speaker B:

Let's all stand together.

Speaker B:

We're going to take a.

Speaker B:

A few more moments, and we're just going to do business with God as he has done with us, right?

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

He's done a work in our hearts this morning, right?

Speaker B:

He's done a work in our hearts.

Speaker B:

So now let's follow through in obedience and respond to that work.

Speaker B:

You come.

Speaker B:

You come.

Speaker B:

If you want to pray up here up front, if you want to come down with someone and pray, maybe there's something specific that you're praying for the love of Christ, doing a work in your community or in your family, Come forward.

Speaker B:

Let's do business with God.

Speaker B:

Maybe you want some counsel through the word of God of how you can follow through with what God is doing.

Speaker B:

Let's respond.

Speaker B:

Don't wait anymore.

Speaker B:

You come.

Speaker B:

You come this morning.

Speaker B:

Piano's playing.

Speaker B:

You come.

Speaker A:

Thank you again for listening to the Middletown Baptist Church podcast.

Speaker A:

I hope that this sermon has been a blessing for you.

Speaker A:

If you would like to find out more information about our church or this sermon, you can find us at middletownbaptistchurch.org or find us on Facebook or YouTube.

Speaker A:

You can also email me directly at Josh Massaro@middletownbaptistchurch.com if you've enjoyed this podcast, please subscribe and follow along for future podcast and updates.

Speaker A:

Thank you so much.

Speaker A:

God Bless.

Speaker A:

Have a wonderful day.

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Middletown Baptist Church
The Truth Proclaimed

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