
Word of the Week - Don't Just Hear It, Live It: The Importance of "Application" in Faith

The central theme of this podcast episode is the importance of application in our understanding of scripture. Pastor Josh Massaro emphasizes that while inspiration and interpretation are crucial in grasping the word of God, it is through application that the teachings truly come to life in our daily lives. He warns against the hypocrisy of being a hearer of the word without putting it into practice, referencing James 1:22, which urges listeners to be doers of the word, not merely hearers. By highlighting the necessity of integrating biblical truths into our actions, Pastor Josh encourages believers to engage deeply with scripture, allowing it to transform their hearts and lives. Ultimately, the episode serves as a call to not only study God's word but to live it out actively, reflecting the light of Christ in the world.

The podcast delves deeply into the concept of application within the context of Christian faith, emphasizing its significance alongside the inspiration and interpretation of Scripture. Pastor Josh Massaro opens with a foundational understanding of the Bible as the inspired word of God, directly revealed to humanity. He stresses the importance of recognizing that Scripture is not merely a collection of human wisdom, but a divine message meant to guide believers. This episode takes listeners on a journey through the process of interpreting the Bible, highlighting the role of the Holy Spirit in illuminating truths and the necessity of understanding the context of passages. The discussion pivots to application, where Pastor Josh challenges listeners to not only hear the word but also embody its teachings in their daily lives. Drawing from James 1:22, he warns against the deception of merely listening without action, presenting a compelling argument that true faith is demonstrated through obedience and application of God's word. Ultimately, the episode serves as a call to action for believers to integrate biblical teachings into their lives, ensuring that their faith is reflected in their actions and choices.

As the conversation progresses, Pastor Josh emphasizes the critical distinction between being a hearer and a doer of the word. He cites practical examples and scripture, particularly from the book of James, to illustrate the dangers of hypocrisy in faith practices. The analogy of looking into a mirror serves as a potent metaphor for self-reflection and the need for transformation. This segment resonates with listeners, encouraging them to actively engage with the Scriptures, not just for knowledge but for life-changing application. Pastor Josh also stresses the importance of diligent study, urging listeners to seek solid biblical teaching and to verify the messages they receive against Scripture. His exhortation to embrace the word of God not only as a source of knowledge but as a transformative tool is a powerful reminder of the dynamic nature of faith.

Closing the discussion, Pastor Josh highlights that the application of Scripture leads to blessings and a more profound relationship with God. He encourages listeners to reflect on their spiritual journey, examining whether they are merely absorbing information or genuinely allowing it to shape their lives. By integrating biblical truths into everyday living, believers can become vessels of light in the world, demonstrating the love and teachings of Jesus through their actions. The episode culminates in a hopeful message, inviting listeners to actively engage with their faith, ensuring that they not only understand the word of God but also live it out boldly, thus glorifying their Father in heaven.

The exploration of application in this podcast episode serves as a timely and essential reminder for Christians to embody their beliefs through practical action. Pastor Josh Massaro meticulously lays out the framework of inspiration, interpretation, and application, guiding listeners toward a deeper understanding of their faith. The episode begins with the assertion that the Bible, as God-given scripture, is foundational to Christian living. Pastor Josh emphasizes that the divine inspiration of the Bible must be acknowledged before any interpretation can take place, setting the stage for an insightful exploration of how believers can engage with God’s word. This foundational understanding leads to the critical aspect of interpreting Scripture correctly, where he underscores the importance of context and the Holy Spirit’s role in discernment.

Transitioning to application, Pastor Josh passionately discusses the necessity of not just hearing the word, but living it out. He references James 1:22-25 to illustrate the importance of being doers of the word, warning against the self-deception that can arise from passive listening. This segment is particularly impactful as it challenges listeners to evaluate their own practices—are they merely consuming biblical teachings, or are they allowing those teachings to transform their lives? By using relatable analogies, Pastor Josh makes the concept of application tangible and actionable, encouraging his audience to consider how their beliefs manifest in their daily actions.

In closing, Pastor Josh reiterates the blessings that come from actively applying biblical principles. He calls on listeners to become proactive in their faith journey, reminding them that the word of God is not just for theoretical understanding but for practical implementation in their lives. Through diligent study and application of Scripture, believers can truly reflect the light of Christ in a world that desperately needs it. This episode serves as an empowering call to action, urging Christians to deepen their understanding of the word and to live it out authentically, thereby exemplifying their faith to others.


  • The Bible is inspired by God, meaning it is His direct communication to us.
  • Proper interpretation of scripture requires understanding context and relying on the Holy Spirit.
  • Hearing the word of God is essential, but applying it to our lives is crucial.
  • James 1:22 emphasizes the importance of being doers of the word, not just hearers.
  • We often deceive ourselves by not applying the truths we learn from scripture.
  • Studying the word of God diligently leads to a deeper understanding and application in life.

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This podcast is produced by Ralph Estep, Jr., host of the Ask Ralph Podcast, a daily podcast on Christian Finance you can find it at https://www.askralphpodcast.com/

Pastor Josh:

Hello and welcome to the Middletown Baptist Church podcast, where we are proclaiming the truth to the world.

Pastor Josh:

In this podcast series, we're going to be looking into biblical words that have great significance to our faith.

Pastor Josh:

The name of this series is called the word of the week, where once a week we will dive deeper into these words that we are familiar with in scripture.

Pastor Josh:

So come along with me.

Pastor Josh:

Let's study the word of the week.

Pastor Josh:

Pastor Josh here.

Pastor Josh:

The word of the week is application.

Pastor Josh:

For the last few weeks, we've been looking at two different topics, the interpretation of scripture and the inspiration of scripture.

Pastor Josh:

Now, it's important to start with the understanding of inspiration of scripture.

Pastor Josh:

What does that mean?

Pastor Josh:

That means that the Bible is given to us directly from God.

Pastor Josh:

It is his word.

Pastor Josh:

Second, Timothy 316 says all scripture is given by inspiration of God.

Pastor Josh:

It means it's God breathed.

Pastor Josh:

God directly revealed his word to us.

Pastor Josh:

And so therefore, the Bible is not a book written by men.

Pastor Josh:

And we're reminded about that in the New Testament, that this is not a book come up by the wisdom of men, but the wisdom of God.

Pastor Josh:

This isn't something that can be changed or adjusted.

Pastor Josh:

This is directly from God to us.

Pastor Josh:

His teachings, his thoughts, his desires, his story.

Pastor Josh:

And so when we look at that from the starting place, we understand that there is no negotiation.

Pastor Josh:

There is no twisting or adjusting needed to scripture.

Pastor Josh:

But there is an important element of interpretation, right?

Pastor Josh:

I can look at a passage and someone else can look at a passage and interpret those two passages differently.

Pastor Josh:

And so it's important to look into what the Bible actually says about that.

Pastor Josh:

The Bible says in two Timothy, chapter two, to rightly divide the word of truth.

Pastor Josh:


Pastor Josh:

So that means to rightly or properly dissect it, properly interpret it.

Pastor Josh:

And so, as a believer, as I'm reading the word of God, the Holy Spirit is revealing to me the truth.

Pastor Josh:

And that's the most important element of interpretation, is that we have the Holy Spirit indwelling our hearts, the holy spirit illuminating our minds.

Pastor Josh:

And then the next step would be to understand the context.

Pastor Josh:

A context is key.

Pastor Josh:

We have to read the passages of scripture that come before.

Pastor Josh:

We have to read the passages of scripture that come after.

Pastor Josh:

Really, it does help to know all of scripture, to understand where this truth falls into the line of the whole story of goddess.

Pastor Josh:

Sometimes we think of the Bible as segmented passages that are not related to each other.

Pastor Josh:

But the Bible itself is one ultimate thought.

Pastor Josh:

It is the story of God.

Pastor Josh:

It was the story of the redemption of mankind and the gift of the gospel.

Pastor Josh:

So from Genesis to revelation.

Pastor Josh:

It's important to know the whole story because we can get tricked into thinking that there are contradictions.

Pastor Josh:

We can get tricked into thinking that there are opportunities for latitude when it comes to interpretation.

Pastor Josh:

You know, for example, we could say, well, this new testament passage, what it's plainly teaching is not for us today because we know that their culture was different.

Pastor Josh:

But if we take that line of thinking, we can get to a place in our life where we can basically explain away any teaching in scripture.

Pastor Josh:

And so, yes, we do take into account the context, but the context doesn't change the meaning.

Pastor Josh:

It just helps us understand in a fuller way what the Lord is trying to tell us.

Pastor Josh:

And so we look at context.

Pastor Josh:

We interpret scriptures biblically.

Pastor Josh:

What does that mean?

Pastor Josh:

Well, we use the Bible to critique itself.

Pastor Josh:

We use the Bible to not critique it.

Pastor Josh:

But let's say this way, we use the Bible to comment on itself.

Pastor Josh:

And so we look at what this passage of scripture says, and then we look at what other passages of scripture have to say about that.

Pastor Josh:

And so there's an element of faith there.

Pastor Josh:

There's an element of faith to say, you know what?

Pastor Josh:

The word of God is the word of God, and I believe it and I trust it.

Pastor Josh:

So there is that understanding of inspiration.

Pastor Josh:

There's that understanding of interpretation.

Pastor Josh:

And I would say another element of interpretation is just to read the passage plainly, to not over allegorize or over symbolize a passage that doesn't need to be.

Pastor Josh:

Now, we can tell by context that there are some passages of scripture that are of symbolic, are allegorical, but usually through context, we understand that.

Pastor Josh:

And so I used the example last week when the Bible says, my God is a rock.

Pastor Josh:

God is not a literal rock.

Pastor Josh:

But we know that that's speaking to the understanding of symbolically.

Pastor Josh:

God is strong.

Pastor Josh:

He is the foundation.

Pastor Josh:

And so we look at the interpretation and we believe in that.

Pastor Josh:

Then we take the next step of, of this process, and that would be application.

Pastor Josh:

So it goes, inspiration, interpretation, application.

Pastor Josh:

Our application is based on what we interpret on the inspiration.

Pastor Josh:

So we have to believe that it's inspired by God.

Pastor Josh:

We have to believe that it's from him directly.

Pastor Josh:

Then we have to interpret it properly, and then we can apply it and live it out properly.

Pastor Josh:

The verse that I think of, when I think of this concept is James chapter one.

Pastor Josh:

James chapter one, verse 22.

Pastor Josh:

James chapter one, verse 22, tells us that we can hear the word and possibly even believe that it's true.

Pastor Josh:

But we can get to a place in our life where we are not applying that to our life.

Pastor Josh:

So we hear it, but we don't live it.

Pastor Josh:

We hear it, but we don't obey it.

Pastor Josh:

So James 122 says, but be doers of the word and not hearers, only deceiving your own selves.

Pastor Josh:

So the Bible says here that we can actually deceive ourselves by hearing the word and possibly even agreeing with it, understanding that it's inspired by God, properly interpreting it but not applying it.

Pastor Josh:

And so the issue would be here is that we get a head knowledge of the truth of God, but the heart knowledge isn't connected, and therefore it's not applied.

Pastor Josh:

And so it says here, if we are a hearer alone and not a doer, we deceive ourselves.

Pastor Josh:

Now, we're always very cautious about other people deceiving us.

Pastor Josh:

But what the Bible actually says here is that we can deceive ourselves.

Pastor Josh:

And he goes on to say in verse 23, for if any man, or, excuse me, for if any, be a hearer of the word.

Pastor Josh:

So if a person is a hearer of the word but not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass or a mirror.

Pastor Josh:

He likens someone reading the Bible to seeing their face in the mirror.

Pastor Josh:

And then it says, for he beholdeth himself and then goeth his way and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.

Pastor Josh:

So he likens someone who hears the Bible preached, reads it for themselves, and then just goes away and doesn't obey.

Pastor Josh:

He looks at himself and goes away and forgets what he was like.

Pastor Josh:

So I always had to explain to me this way, I could get in front of the mirror and I could see all these things wrong with me.

Pastor Josh:

I need to wipe this, I need to change this, I need to clean this.

Pastor Josh:

But then I just see it and then I go the opposite direction.

Pastor Josh:

I don't change anything.

Pastor Josh:

He goes on to say in verse 25, but whosoever looketh into the perfect law of liberty and continueth therein, he be not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work.

Pastor Josh:

This man shall be blessed in his deed.

Pastor Josh:

And so the Bible actually says, the blessing comes from the application.

Pastor Josh:

The blessing comes from hearing and heeding the word of God and applying the word of God.

Pastor Josh:

And so we can see here that the Bible is highlighting here in James chapter one, the issue of hypocrisy.

Pastor Josh:

So let's put this to practicality.

Pastor Josh:

Today in our world, you can sit inside of a building and hear the preaching of the word and say amen, and agree and believe it is the word of God.

Pastor Josh:

And have it properly given to you and you properly understand it.

Pastor Josh:

But yet there's a disconnect because there's no application.

Pastor Josh:

It doesn't get ahold of your heart.

Pastor Josh:

The Bible says that the word of God is a convicter.

Pastor Josh:

And really, we know ultimately, through the word of God, the conviction comes through the Holy SpirIt that's living within you.

Pastor Josh:

Remember, that's the first step, is having the Holy Spirit indwelling you.

Pastor Josh:

But to be a hearer of the word is a good thing, but it's not a complete matter unless we get to the place where it says here that we are a doer as well.

Pastor Josh:

And so application matters.

Pastor Josh:

And so I would encourage you, as you are studying the word of God, as you are listening to podcasts, as you are listening to YouTube videos, or actually sitting in church and listening to preaching and teaching, first of all, I would encourage you to believe, number one, that what is being taught from the word is the literal word of God.

Pastor Josh:

It is the literal commands from God, the literal teachings from God.

Pastor Josh:

But then also, I would have you inspect, be a berean and see if the message that you are reading or that you are hearing from a pastor or from a teacher is coming in context, interpreted properly.

Pastor Josh:

Check it yourself.

Pastor Josh:

If a teacher or a preacher does not encourage you to check it for yourself, there is a warning there that's a red flag.

Pastor Josh:

I always encourage you to check the word of God and see if what I'm saying is matching up to everything else.

Pastor Josh:

And so once you get past that first step and that second step, that third step is sometimes the biggest challenge.

Pastor Josh:

Actually, applying that second Timothy 215 reminded us that we need to study to show ourselves approved unto God, a workman.

Pastor Josh:

Okay, so this takes work.

Pastor Josh:

This takes diligence.

Pastor Josh:

And so we are to apply this to our life.

Pastor Josh:

Another passage of scripture in the book of proverbs that kind of reminds us about this is proverbs 20 217.

Pastor Josh:

You can cross reference this principle here in proverbs, chapter 22, verse 17.

Pastor Josh:

And I think this is important for us to remember.

Pastor Josh:

It says, bow down thine ear.

Pastor Josh:

That's like, basically, listen and hear the words of the wise.

Pastor Josh:

So we hear the wisdom of God.

Pastor Josh:

We hear the preaching of the word of God.

Pastor Josh:

And then it doesn't stop there, though.

Pastor Josh:

It says, and apply thine heart unto my knowledge.

Pastor Josh:

And so there's this understanding here of hearing and applying.

Pastor Josh:

So if we go back to James chapter one, verses 22 on there, we see that there is this challenge to not be hypocritical in what we say, by, you know what?

Pastor Josh:

I agree.

Pastor Josh:

But actually prove that, demonstrate that by how we act.

Pastor Josh:

So what we believe about God matters, what we believe about his word matters, but also how we respond to his word matters.

Pastor Josh:

So I would encourage you to think about that when you are studying the word.

Pastor Josh:

And I encourage you to study the word that's so, so important.

Pastor Josh:

The word of God is swift.

Pastor Josh:

It's alive, as the Bible says.

Pastor Josh:

And I'll actually take you to that passage, because I think this is so important for us to see as well.

Pastor Josh:

It's in the book of Hebrews, and it's describing the power of the word.

Pastor Josh:

Hebrews, chapter four, verse twelve.

Pastor Josh:

It says, for the word of God is quick.

Pastor Josh:

And that doesn't mean that it's fast.

Pastor Josh:

It means that it's alive.

Pastor Josh:

The word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow.

Pastor Josh:

It is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Pastor Josh:

So the Bible here tells us that the word of God is alive.

Pastor Josh:

It's a convicter.

Pastor Josh:

It's something that challenges us.

Pastor Josh:

And we saw that in two Timothy, chapter three.

Pastor Josh:

All scripture is given by inspiration of God is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction and righteousness.

Pastor Josh:

So we see that there is this challenge from scripture.

Pastor Josh:

It's not just there for us to agree with.

Pastor Josh:

It's there for us to change.

Pastor Josh:

It's there for us to be confirmed.

Pastor Josh:

It's there for us to be to a place where we are challenged and convicted in where we are at.

Pastor Josh:

We're not supposed to stay where we are.

Pastor Josh:

We're supposed to move to a more Christ like path in our life.

Pastor Josh:

So I would encourage you to apply the truths that you are learning, and we're not going to be perfect in that.

Pastor Josh:

And God has patience and grace and forgiveness in our lives.

Pastor Josh:

But that doesn't give us an excuse to just avoid the word.

Pastor Josh:

It actually is all the more reason why we should strive in the power of God to read his word, study his word, meditate upon his word, and then get to a place in our life where we actually live out his word, living it boldly before the world.

Pastor Josh:

Matthew, chapter five, tells us to let our light so shine before Menta, that they may say our good works and glorify our Father, which is in heaven.

Pastor Josh:

So it's not to live for ourselves so that we can have people tell us that we're really spiritual and that we are good christians.

Pastor Josh:

No, it's so that people can see Jesus in us, and so we are, as christians, the light that people can see in the truth of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Josh:

And so Jesus is the source of that light.

Pastor Josh:

We reflect that light, but how we live our life matters.

Pastor Josh:

And so I would encourage you to think about that idea of applications.

Pastor Josh:

Don't just be a hearer of the word.

Pastor Josh:

That's the first step.

Pastor Josh:

You can't be a doer unless you're a hearer.

Pastor Josh:


Pastor Josh:

So I'm not preaching against or teaching against listening to the word of God.

Pastor Josh:

That's actually something that you need to do more and more.

Pastor Josh:

Fill your life with the word.

Pastor Josh:

Listen to different preachers and make sure that the ones you're listening to are aligning with the truth of God.

Pastor Josh:


Pastor Josh:

Make sure you find good, solid, biblically based, contextual pastors and teachers that are performing the hermeneutic task of exegesis, pulling the truth out of the text and not putting in a truth into the text.

Pastor Josh:

But when you get to that place where you're hearing good, solid teaching and you're studying the word for yourself and you're gaining that knowledge, take it on that next step of applying that knowledge to wisdom.

Pastor Josh:

And that wisdom is the application of that knowledge.

Pastor Josh:

And so heed the word of God, believe the word of God, trust in the word of God.

Pastor Josh:

Then I would say, lastly, live the word of God.

Pastor Josh:

And so that will conclude our three part series on looking at the inspiration of scripture, the interpretation of scripture, and the application of scripture.

Pastor Josh:

I hope this study has been beneficial for you.

Pastor Josh:

We'll come back next week with another word of the week, and we are looking forward to continuing to grow in our understanding of what God's word has to say about our everyday lives and ultimately our eternal hope with him in heaven one day.

Pastor Josh:

Well, we look forward to hearing from you.

Pastor Josh:

If you have any questions or thoughts or suggestions about what we should study next, please contact us at our website, nbcpodcast.org.

Pastor Josh:

or you can email me at joshmissaro middletownbaptistchurch.org dot.

Pastor Josh:

Well, God bless you.

Pastor Josh:

Have a wonderful week.

Pastor Josh:

We will talk to you soon.

Pastor Josh:

Hey, I really appreciate that you listened to the word of the week podcast.

Pastor Josh:

If you have any questions about the podcast or about our church, Middleton Baptist Church, you can find more information about us on Facebook or YouTube, or you can find the podcast on nbcpodcast.org dot.

Pastor Josh:

You can contact me directly@joshmissaroittletownbaptistchurch.org dot.

Pastor Josh:

Stay tuned for future word of the week episodes where we dive deeper into words that impact our life according to scripture.

Pastor Josh:

Thank you so much.

Pastor Josh:

God bless.

Pastor Josh:

We'll talk to you soon.

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Middletown Baptist Church
The Truth Proclaimed

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