
Word of the Week - Inspiration

This podcast episode delves into the crucial topic of the inspiration of scripture, emphasizing that all scripture is God-breathed and originates from Him. Pastor Josh articulates the significance of understanding the Bible as a divine message rather than a mere product of human authorship. He highlights the infallibility and perfection of scripture, arguing that it is essential for teaching, correction, and guiding believers in their daily lives. Throughout the discussion, he encourages listeners to engage personally with the Word of God, reinforcing that faith comes from hearing and understanding scripture. By exploring key biblical passages, Pastor Josh aims to deepen the audience's appreciation for the transformative power of the Bible in navigating life's challenges.

Exploring the profound concept of inspiration, Pastor Josh leads listeners through a thoughtful examination of biblical scripture in the latest episode of the Middletown Baptist Church podcast. He outlines the fundamental belief that the Bible is not a mere human creation but rather a compilation of divinely inspired texts. This central thesis is critical as it lays the groundwork for understanding the scriptures as a perfect guide for faith and practice. Pastor Josh challenges the common misconception that the Bible's teachings are flawed due to human authorship, asserting that true scripture, being 'God-breathed,' is inherently infallible and without contradictions. This distinction highlights the significance of recognizing scripture as a direct message from God, which, when embraced, can profoundly impact one’s spiritual journey.

Delving deeper into the meaning of 'theopneustos,' or 'God-breathed,' Pastor Josh references 2 Timothy 3:16 to reinforce the idea that all scripture is profitable for various aspects of Christian living, including teaching, correction, and guidance in righteousness. He emphasizes that scripture serves as a vital source of strength and illumination in the lives of believers, providing clarity in dark and confusing times. By invoking Romans 10:17, he illustrates how faith is cultivated through hearing and engaging with the word of God. This segment of the podcast underscores the transformative power of scripture, encouraging listeners to see it as a living document that actively shapes their understanding of God and His will for their lives.

Towards the end of the discussion, Pastor Josh makes a compelling case for the necessity of personal scripture study. He cautions against a passive approach to faith that relies solely on the interpretations of others, advocating instead for an active engagement with the Bible. Drawing from Psalm 119, he notes the importance of internalizing scripture to arm oneself against temptation and sin. This practical advice culminates in a heartfelt invitation for listeners to share their questions and thoughts, fostering an environment of community and shared learning. By emphasizing the importance of direct interaction with scripture, Pastor Josh aims to empower believers to deepen their understanding of God's word, ensuring its principles remain relevant and applicable in their daily lives.


  • The inspiration of scripture means that it is directly given by God, making it perfect.
  • Scripture is infallible and trustworthy because it originates from the Lord himself.
  • Understanding the Greek term for inspiration reveals that all scripture is God-breathed.
  • The Bible should be approached as a living book that has the power to transform lives.
  • It is crucial to engage with scripture personally rather than solely relying on others' interpretations.
  • Faith comes from hearing the word of God, emphasizing the importance of personal study.

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This podcast is produced by Ralph Estep, Jr., host of the Ask Ralph Podcast, a daily podcast on Christian Finance you can find it at https://www.askralphpodcast.com/

Pastor Josh:

Hello and welcome to the Middletown Baptist Church podcast, where we are proclaiming the truth to the world. In this podcast series, we're going to be looking into biblical words that have great significance to our faith.

The name of this series is called the word of the week, where once a week, we will dive deeper into these words that we are familiar with in scripture. So come along with me. Let's study the word of the week. Pastor Josh here, the word of the week is inspiration.

Now, we're going to be talking about the inspiration of scripture here in this lesson, and I want us to think about what this means. It means simply this, that God produced the word, that the source of scripture is the Lord himself.

Many people oppose scripture by saying that it's a product of man, that it was something that man created and then attributed to God later on. And so what we need to understand is that scripture shows us that the Bible comes from God.

And that's why it is important to realize the infallibility of scripture. It's perfect because it comes from God. There's no mistakes. There's no contradictions.

If the Bible was a book created by Mandev, it would have mistakes. Why? Because we are all fallible. It would have contradictions.

There would be issues when it comes to its teaching, because there would be an imperfection somewhere found in those teachings. But what we know is that scripture is infallible. We know that it has no mistakes. We know that it is perfect.

We know that it is trustworthy because it comes from God. The Bible is axiomatic in the fact that it proves itself.

And we know that in two Timothy, chapter three, verse 16, we are told that all scripture, and I always try to emphasize with folks that it says all scripture, not part of scripture or some scriptures or scriptures that we feel comfortable with. It says in two Timothy 316 that all scripture is given by inspiration of God. Now, we heard that word inspiration.

And sometimes we can think of an artist being inspired by nature to paint a beautiful picture, or a musician being inspired by something in their life, in creating beautiful music. But that's not what this term inspiration is all about. Actually, this word in the Greek is the phrase inspiration of God.

And there's really two words that are put together in the greek thea, which means God and which means breathe. So theop nustos means God breathe. And so all scripture is God breathed, created by God, given from God to man.

It says that all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine.

That's teaching for reproof, that is showing us where we're wrong, but also for correction, so that we can move away from those wrongdoings, and so that we can walk in that right path. And it says, for correction and for instruction in righteousness. And so we're taught how to walk in righteousness.

After we are told where we're wrong and where we need to change, then it says in the next verse that a man of God may be perfect or complete, mature, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. And so what we're told is that we have to see scripture from the concept of this being a message from God, his literal word.

the gospel really is. Romans:

And we know that as the source being perfect, the message is perfect. And this message has power to change our lives. Hebrews chapter four tells us this truth. And I think that this is so important to understand.

It says, for the word of God is quick. That means alive. The Bible is alive. It's a living book, and it's powerful. So powerful, it has the power to change us. It has the power to convict us.

It has the power to comfort us. Now, we know that ultimately, it's the power of God in his word.

But it says that, and it's sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder. That's of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow, and is the discerner of thoughts and intents of the heart.

This speaks of is the convicting power, the pointed convicting power of the word. It can divide the soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow. It's discerning the thoughts and intentions of our heart.

I think that this is so important for us to understand, because a lot of times we think that change can come in our lives without the word, or that conviction will come without the word. And we know that the Holy Spirit is ultimately the one doing the convicting and the comforting. But we know the heart of God.

We know his will for our lives when we adhere and follow scripture. Another passage of scripture that we can go back to when it comes to this idea of the source is two. Peter, chapter 1, second Peter, chapter one.

And you could start in verse number 19. This is Peter speaking through the inspiration of scripture. And he says, we also have a more sure word of prophecy now in context.

What is he talking about? He's talking about the glory of seeing Jesus on the mount of Transfiguration.

And then he shifts gears and he says, but we also have a more sure word of prophecy.

Whereunto ye do well, that ye take heed, meaning it is good for you that you listen to this and obey this as unto a light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts. So the word of God shines light into a dark place. He says, knowing this first, that no prophecy.

Now, when we see prophecy, we're talking about scripture, because he says the prophecy of scripture. So the preaching or the proclaiming of the truth in scripture, no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

Meaning scripture doesn't come from someone's own interpretation. It's coming from God. This isn't just a man's way of thinking, worldly wisdom contrived in the heart of some fallible man. No, it's coming from God.

He says, for the prophecy came not in the old time by the will of man. So the word did not come from the will of man.

But I, holy men, men that were set aside for a specific use, that's what that word holy means, set apart. So holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. This speaks of that understanding of inspiration.

And so the source of scripture is it's directly from God. God breathed inspired by God.

And so the reason why I want to stress that here in this lesson is because if we think of scripture in any context, outside of being a message directly from God, we can begin to question its value. We can begin to question its application to our lives. And we could even look at two Timothy, chapter three, verse 16, and say, you know what?

I don't really believe that all scripture is given by God. Just maybe parts of it, parts of it that make sense to our society today. And we've seen people go off track when it comes to this.

Okay, I will adhere to this because this makes sense in our culture today. But our culture has changed. And therefore this part of scripture, we don't need to take anymore, or at least take as it's read here.

I would be very cautious to take that stance when it comes to interpreting scripture, because we could really see that, you know what? Anyone can change anything. Culture changes. I think we can all admit that culture has changed over the years.

If you've lived long enough to see decades pass, you've realized that different decades bring about different trends and different mindsets and things that we accept in our culture today. 50 years ago would have been something that would repulse many folks in our culture.

But what we can see is that though culture changes, scripture does not change, and the principles in scripture do not change. The message that God has given us in the gospel and in purity and in righteousness have not changed.

And so the way that we can understand that is by going back to the uncompromised truth of scripture, that it is coming from God and that God wants us to understand it. God wants that to change our life. And if we want to grow in faith, first of all, if we want to have a relationship with God in faith.

t to grow in faith, as Romans:

You can't understand the word. So let me explain to you the word the way that I understand it, and you have to believe exactly the way that I believe.

Well, I think that's a danger, because the Bible does tell us for us to have a personal time with God through scripture, to know him in a personal way. Now, there is a time and a place to hear teaching. There is a time and a place to have someone explain something to you.

But if we rely on somebody else for our intake of scripture completely, we are missing out on the joys and the blessings of being. As it says in that one passage in two Timothy, a person of God, a man of God, a woman of God, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

You know, there is something to be said about digging into the word ourselves and mining the depths of scripture on our own. I know that there is a passage of scripture that is very near and dear to my heart when it comes to the word of God, and that is psalm 119.


And so there is an importance to memorizing and meditating and living upon scripture, because when you hide God's word in your heart, it allows us to fight those temptations. The best defense to temptations and attacks in our life is by scripture, by quoting scripture, by living scripture, by trusting in scripture.

We even see that example with Jesus in Matthew, chapter four. When Satan comes to tempt him, what does he do? He quotes scripture over and over again. In scripture.

We see that there is an importance to setting our hearts on the word and trusting in the truth of God's word.

Another passage of scripture was actually in the same chapter in psalm 119, psalm 119 105, it says this, thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. So. So the word of God is the light. We already mentioned that reference. The. The word of God is a light unto our path in a dark world.

It can be the path, and it can light the way so that we don't stumble, so that we don't step in traps, and so that we don't fall into the dangers of the wisdom of this world. There's so much more that we could talk about when it comes to this area of inspiration.

For the next few lessons here on the word of the week, we're going to talk more about the Bible and more about different principles of studying the word. But I think that a good place to start when it comes to the understanding of scripture is that idea, belief, doctrine of inspiration. God breathe.

The word of God comes to us not as a help book or a guide to doing certain things in our life, a pragmatic way to, you know, basically adhere to so that our life is better. But no, it is the word of God that is directing us in everything that we do in our belief system. So it's not just a suggestion.

It is commands from God.

And one of the things that we can see when it comes from the perspective of our relationship with God is that God says if we love him, we will keep his commandments.

Well, how can we know his commandments to keep unless we know his word, unless we study his word, unless we value his word, unless we put a premium on the word? We even see in the book of acts that it says that the Bereans sought after the word after they heard the preaching. They sought after it.

So I would encourage you, when you listen to preaching, and first and foremost, the preaching should come from the word of God. So many times today, we see that preaching does not come from the word it comes from opinions of man or a culture.

And certainly we can insert cultural things within our preaching, but it has to be based in scripture. And so the first step is to hear good, solid biblical preaching.

The second part of it would be to test that against the word of God, test the preaching that you are intaking to the word to see if the preacher is preaching the truth.

And so that's the most important thing that you can do when it comes to deciding whether or not a teacher or a preacher is, is a quality preacher, is to see, does it match up with the word of God? Does it match up with the truth that I am reading? And of course, we're going to talk more about this in the study.

But there's the idea of interpretation. So after inspiration, there's interpretation, because some people could say, well, you know what?

I believe that this is inspired by God, but I'm interpreting this much, much more differently than you are interpreting this. And so that's another thing that we're going to study in this series is the understanding of interpreting scripture.

So right now, we're studying today the inspiration of scripture, but later on, we're going to study the understanding of interpreting scripture. But we got to start with the beginning. And the beginning is that this is coming from God, the source, God his word.

All scripture is given by Theopneustos. Inspiration of God. God breathes. And so I think that that's a good start for our study here when it comes to the word of God.

And I hope that you learned Something Today or you were just reminded of something that you already knew about the inspiration of scripture. If you have any questions about this, if you have any thoughts that you would like to share or have clarified, please reach out to me.

I can be found at my email address.

Josh J o s H Masaro massaro@middletownbaptistchurch.org and you can send me any questions, and I would love to discuss these things with you and maybe even bring up some of the questions on air during a podcast so that we can clarify this for more people. So hope you have a wonderful rest of your week. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Looking forward to continuing to present the word of God and proclaiming the truth to this world. Hope you have a wonderful day. God bless you. Take care. Hey, I really appreciate that you listened to the word of the Week podcast.

If you have any questions about the podcast or about our church, Middletown Baptist Church, you can find more information about us on Facebook or YouTube, or you can find the podcast on nbcpodcast.org dot. You can contact me directly at joshmassaro@middletownbaptistchurch.org

stay tuned for future word of the week episodes, where we dive deeper into words that impact our life according to scripture. Thank you so much. God bless and we'll talk to you soon.

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